Affiliated Companies
California Insurance Specialists
Serving California Only
Statewide Insurance Specialists
Serving Texas Only
Western Sage Insurance Services
(702) 212-0669
Serving Nevada Only

California Insurance Specialists provides competitive insurance for your valued assets

Selection - Our affiliated agencies represent over 50 of the leading national and regional insurance companies, so we can help you find the policy that fits your needs at the best possible price. For current list of appointments click here.

Service - Our licensed, experienced customer service representatives are always available to answer your questions, process your claims, and handle all of your personal insurance needs.

Size - 36,000 policyholders and over $35,000,000 in annual premium since 1972

Value - We are committed to providing you the best value possible on your insurance costs.

Compare - Call us for more information at (800)-231-4619, or select one of our products below:

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